Art Meets Medicine


  • Brief introduction to Dr. J’s unique blend of artistic talent and medical expertise.
  • Highlight the significance of combining art and science in the field of anti-aging.

Early Artistic Pursuits

  • Describe Dr. J’s early years in New Orleans and his interest in the arts.
  • Discuss his work with Mardi Gras ceramic masks and the cultural impact.

Transition to Medicine

  • Explain how Dr. J transitioned from art to medicine.
  • Detail his educational background and surgical internship at the University of South Alabama.
  • Mention his residency at Phoenix Good Samaritan Hospital.

Integrating Art with Medicine

  • Discuss how Dr. J’s artistic background enhances his medical practice, particularly in aesthetics.
  • Highlight specific procedures where art and precision are crucial, such as Botox, dermal fillers, and minimally invasive facelifts.


  • Summarize Dr. J’s unique approach to anti-aging, blending art and science.
  • Encourage readers to explore anti-aging treatments at Dr. J Anti-Aging Clinic.